
The Interior Designer

Teisha Marie- The Interior Designer

I went to school at the University of Missouri-Columbia and majored in Architectural Studies, with an emphasis in Interior Design.  After college, I moved back to Kansas City and started working  for an architectural firm in Kansas City that does primarily corporate projects.  I've been extremely lucky to work on some very large projects and I typically am able use a lot of creativity in my designs.

Here are some examples of projects that I've designed along with my co-workers:

Franke, Schultz, Mullen Law Offices: 

CVS/Caremark Call Center Facility- Nashville, TN:

 CVS/Caremark Call Center Facility- San Antonio, TX:

Fuji Film/Sericol Headquarters- Kansas City, Kansas:

Time Warner Cable Store- Overland Park, KS:

 Travelport Regional Office- Kansas City, MO: